Monday, August 22, 2011


I had dinner the other night with a good friend of mine, Sarah VG (whose nickname may become VG because of the other Sarah's in my life). I am so thankful that I got to spend some good quality time with her. She is in the same exact place as me, and that makes it very easy to talk to her about life, because she gets it. She knows what it is like to be in this stage of our lives.

One of the MANY topics we covered that night was how intimidating girls can be in their twenties. For the most part, girls have it together. We have stable jobs, we live on our own - either in a house or an apartment, we have friends, and family that we hang out with, we are involved in church. We are confident in ourselves because we have it all together - and that intimidates guys. Think about a relationship, and what the guy and girl brings to it - girls have to be both in order to survive. We have to handle the emotional side of things, as well as the financial side. We can't afford to be lax in either. We take care of the bills, we clean and fix parts of the house, we also handle the emotional side with our friends and with ourselves. We have so much to juggle, but we do it because of necessity!

Guys don't realize that underneath all that confidence, is a girl who is asking for help. We don't want to handle all the roles that we do! We are more than willing to have a guy in our life, and for us to say "here you go" and let them take over their piece. Right now, we just don't have that luxury. Guys don't see that though - they see a girl who has it all and they say "she's intimidating", and they go after the girls who don't have it all together. In the meantime, we go on with our lives, we buy houses, we buy cars, we fix our plumbing issues, we take care of the bills until a guy comes around and says "here, let me help you" and they take it over.

Sarah also had a great point that she heard somewhere - the feminist movement has weakened guys. I have no problem admitting the fact that there are things guys are better at. God designed it that way, He said that the woman is to be submissive to her husband, and he is to be the head of the family. The feminist movement made women take some roles from the men, which then weakened them. They no longer had to step up to their role, because women were doing it for them. I find this down right annoying. I'm a girl who is looking for a man to step up and BE THE MAN! I do not want a "wuss" of a guy, I want someone who isn't afraid to lead, to take control. Someone who follows the Lord proudly and confidently - that kind of man I have no problem being submissive to.

Until that day comes, I will be confident in who God made me, in the plans He has for my life, and wait patiently for the day when MY MAN looks past my confidence, stops being intimidated, and asks me out.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It's so cliche, but hearing about school starting up get me thinking about my years of schooling. I was fortunate to go to private school my entire life and while it had its down sides (like every school) I am very grateful for the time I had there.

I was a very studious student (imagine that). I was the geek who got all excited about back to school shopping because everything was new, and I could figure out a way to organize everything. I loved the crisp notebooks with dividers. My books were always covered by my dad from brown grocery bags (the edges were turned in so no tape would get onto the book). I had my day planner that had all my homework written in it, and would get crossed off as it was completed. I think this is where my love of pens originated - standing in the aisle staring at them all wondering which one was going to be my favorite that year. Sigh - how I miss new school supplies.

I was the kid that would come home from school and immediately start my homework. I didn't like it hanging over my head all night because it was always in the back of my mind. I was also still in school mode so that helped. I was never good at studying, I would study for hours and still get confused on tests. I would make the color coded flash cards, and would quiz myself. I wasn't a great test-taker. I would much rather you give me a project than a test.

Moving on to college - what a great time! I enjoyed my 3 years there. I went to CIU and lived on campus, did the roommate gig, enjoyed all of it. There are days that I would love to go back and have breaks through out the day - working 8 hours a day will make you appreciate that! Life was "worry free" in college. I made some amazing friends there. Had the best RA ever, had great roommates. I loved hall life! Petty 2 woot woot!! I also got to do yearbook, and that was a many all-nighter, but that gave me a passion for some things I can do in my job now. If I could go back to college, and not have the work part, I would!!

So I'm a little jealous of the students this week who get to enjoy their first week at school - how I miss it sometimes.

Monday, August 8, 2011


I am learning to coupon. I still haven't wrapped my head around it yet, but I think it is one of those processes where you just have to do it in order to understand it.

Sarah coupons and I went to her house this weekend where she taught me everything she knows. I'm starting out small - clipping coupons I would use and when they are on sale get them with the coupon. The hard thing is going to be waiting for the sale, and not buying something just because I have a coupon for them.

I'm also interested in the CVS Extra Buck process. I don't understand that one either really. I know that when you buy something you get so many Extra Bucks that you can use the next time you come in, I just don't understand how you get the Extra Bucks - is it only select items in the store, is it the items that are on sale...I don't understand...anyone know??

So I thought I would try this out and went tonight to CVS. I got 2 bags of skittles for $1.09 each and I got 3 12 packs of soda for $1.99 each which isn't bad! The bottom of my receipt didn't have any info on it, so I don't htink I earned any Bucks so I am not confused. Maybe I am not using it properly...any help is accepted!

So here I go, embarking on the coupon world. It will take me awhile to get the hang of it....and I will need to find some storage for the "bulk items" I will need to buy, but we will see how it goes first before I start re-arranging the pantry.

Oh one more funny note, when I got home, the side of my 12 pack came unglued and there were coke cans rolling down the parking lot....just what I wanted to do in 100 degree weather at 8:00 at night.