Monday, September 2, 2013

USC Gamecocks

It has been quite a while since I have posted a blog on here, and would like to get back into it but don’t know how much of a reality that is.  So much has happened since my last blog and I want and need to start getting things out of my head and back on paper.

As my sister has said, I have gone to the dark side.  Before you start getting all kinds of thoughts in your head, the dark side to my sister means following College Football.  I know, major shocker.  A year and a half ago, Web Brown came into my life and pulled me to said dark side, much to the dismay of my best friend Elisa who tried many years to pull me in herself. 

Web used to play football for the USC Gamecocks, and we have been dating since July 2012.  He played from 2003 to 2007.  He started every game of his senior year at Center, and was team Captain as well that year.   A few months ago, Web and I went on a Stadium Tour of Williams Brice and we went down the “Hall of Captains”, where his picture is proudly displayed.

Before I go too much further, let me share somewhat scary/game-faced/I’m ready to hit something/lets win this game Web:

And here is normal/everyday/not so scary/approachable/quite handsome Web on his Israel trip:

I was never the girl who followed football.  In High School, our track went around the football team, so the students walked around the track during the games, instead of watching.  I grew up watching NFL football, and am a Dallas Cowboys fan mostly because my dad is, but I don’t know that I could honestly name 5 NFL teams right now.  I watch the Super Bowl, and can tell you the basics of football, but that’s about it.  So needless to say, I have quickly learned about football.  I still don’t know everything, and ask a lot of questions during games, but I am getting there, and I am learning.  

Web is on the radio before every USC football game.  The home games are broadcasted across the street from the stadium, and last season I went with him.  My first game was very eye opening, having never gone near the stadium on game days, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.  I have to say though, that I do love going down there.  It is a crazy exciting adventure and you always see something new.   

Last night was our first USC home game of the 2013 season, and it didn’t disappoint. It was brutally hot, but so much fun.  Web picked me up from work and we headed straight downtown.  Surprisingly the traffic wasn’t as bad as I was expecting.  We parked and started the walk to the stadium.  Web is great to walk in crowds with, because not only is he protective of me, but he “parts the sea”.  People seem to get out of his way when they see him coming.  Web is very protective when we walk through a crowd, making sure I’m staying with him and I am safe.  We made it to the BP across from the stadium and waited until it was air time.  Web is a natural on the air.  He not only knows his stuff, but can communicate it in an articulate way.  I enjoy seeing him talk about one of his passions.  I appreciate how he not only talks about the game, rules, strategies, but how he talks about the players and leadership.  He keeps in contact with some current and former players and builds relationships with them to encourage them not only in football but with their walks with the Lord.  Web gets fired up about two things, Football and the Lord and I love when those two things mesh.  

I look forward to many more games this season, and in seasons to come.  I guess you could say I have crossed over to the dark side….I am now a gamecock!