I have incredibly vivid and intense dreams. I always have ever since I can remember. I am abnormal in that I remember 97% of my dreams - most people don't remember their dream, or could even tell you if they did dream. Mine are like movies in my head. They are very descriptive, detailed, sometimes the senses are involved but not always - thankfully :) My sister told someone "if you ever want to hear a good story, ask Ashley about her dreams."
Let me give you some highlights....
Sometimes my dreams are funny:
...I remember 7 years ago when we were planning my sisters wedding, and I had a dream that she and I were shopping for bridesmaids gifts. We were in Target (but it really looked like the IKEA warehouse), and we were frantically looking for yellow pokadot sunhats to go with out pink poofy dresses.
...I had a dream my sister and Justin Timberlake were best friends - had been since elementary school. One day he decided that they couldn't be friends anymore because the tabloids were accusing him of cheating. She was quite upset because he told her over IM.
Most of the time though, my dreams are dangerous, scary, brutal, nerve-wracking:
...Just the other night I had a dream where I was in a gray building hiding from a man shooting at random. I decided to get up and run for it, he saw me and shot my foot from a distance. He ran up to me and shot my other foot. I look down and both feet are gone.
...I had a recurring dream when I was little about my sister and I in a furniture store running from a kidnapper. We always found the same coffee table to hide under and would watch his footsteps approach and walk around us.
...I had a dream that I had a stalker - this is a great story, way too long to write about, but basically I got a stalker from work and had to take drastic measures to make sure he couldn't find me.
...I blew up my friend in the SEFL parking lot as he was coming to pick me up because of bomb threats in the area. His car ran over a bomb and he was killed.
...my friend Elisa and I were driving to Target, and we were turning left onto 378 and someone ran a red light hitting the passenger side of the car (my side). I was taken to the hospital, and had a broken leg, and ribs. I couldn't find my wallet - had been thrown from the car - so I had a hard time proving I had insurance - card in the wallet...
...I flipped my car turning out of SEFL and went into a ditch and they had to use the jaws of life to get me out.
I could go on and on and on! They say your dreams are your subconscious telling you what you really want...oh goodness I hope not! I know that can't be the case here. I guess at night is where my imagination goes crazy - I can't draw, or write, so I guess I let my mind go crazy while I sleep.
I am so thankful that these are dreams, and only dreams.
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