Tuesday, December 6, 2011

House Mock Up

I am a visual learner. I learn much faster if I can see what I am doing, verses reading it on paper.I think pictures should be included with all directions. There are some things I have no problem visualizing, other things, I struggle. I bought my house without physically walking through it, but because I had the floor plan and could see it in my head, I was able to buy it. I can not place furniture in my head - at all. I don't know if it has to do with the different sizes or what, but I really struggle.

Moving day is fast approaching, and I was a little stressed about placing my furniture in my house. I have people helping me move, and I didn't want to waste their time while I tried to place my furniture. I didn't want to be the girl who moved everything multiple times in order to get it just right. I am also a planner, so going into moving day blind just wasn't going to work for me.

So, I had an idea - draw out a House Mock Up, that is drawn to scale, with furniture drawn to scale, that I can place ahead of time.

Problem: that requires Math (major struggle), and drawing (even worst struggle)....I then another thought....BEN!!

Ben is an artist and he is good with math, win win! So, I asked him if he would be w
illing to take on such a task and he said "no problem". Today at work, he brought it in, and it's AWESOME!! I can't wait to start playing with it and placing furniture!

Thank-you so much Ben!! You are the best!!


  1. You should have taken a picture of the 2nd floor, it's much cooler looking. The first floor is one big room and a garage :)
