He was born on Tuesday, February 28th at 2:15 PM. My sister was a champ!! She was induced that morning and not much later he was here. I didn't get to be at the hospital when he was born because I had to be at a conference for work (more later). Ben did an amazing job keeping me updated via text, and sent me pictures as soon as he made an appearance. He also sent me a video, which made me feel so special. I am so thankful that he took the time to keep me in the loop, despite not being able to be there in person. I was able to visit that afternoon on a break, and went back after the conference was over. I was actually the first one to hold him (after Ben and Sarah of course), so that was really special!
I am amazed at how I am reacting to him. I mean I knew that I would be excited, but I honestly thought it would be like any other baby, but it's definitely not! I can not wait to see him! I also want to be cautious of over-staying my welcome. It's going to take time figuring out boundaries and responsibilities and schedules. I know that I do not want to be a "helicopter Aunt" (one who hovers). I want to make sure that I give Ben and Sarah their space, but also be there to help when needed. It's a thin line, one where we have to be patient in figuring out where in the sand the line is. Thankfully we are a very honest family, so we will talk things out.
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