I admit, I am a freak about pens!! I have a fascination with them. I always have. I have more than I could possible write with, but I have always been on the lookout for the best pen. I also want to note that I am not alone, there are members of my family, who shall remain nameless, who are also freaks about their pens too!
In addition, the main character in one of my favorite shows West Wing is a pen fan too, he says to his bodyman (personal aide) Charlie:
President Bartlet: Are we out of pens? That's a good pen, I need an everyday pen
Charlie: I've got pens....
Bartlet: You've got crappy pens with plastic tops. I need a solid pen that feels good in my hand but it's not so formal I feel like a dandy.
Charlie: I'm making some trips to pen stores, aren't I, Mr. President?
Now there is someone who understands!!! There are good pens, there are crappy pens, there are pens that work better on certain kinds of paper, there are ones that glide, and ones that just work all around! I have found such a pen.
They are called uni-ball Signo...They come in color - because black and blue are just boring. Now go out and buy them...wait don't, because when I run out there better be some in stock :)
I live in the wrong part of the country...
I am a winter girl! Give me jackets, sweaters, hats, gloves, boots!! I don't like shorts, skirts, open toed shoes. I love to be cold. I love to bundle up under my 7 covers (yes, I like covers on my bed), and snuggle up with a good tv show, or a book and drink hot chocolate.
None of that will be happening in my near future. The heat and I do not get along...at all!! I don't like to be hot, don't like to sweat, don't like to feel sticky. I don't like getting out of the shower, and then sweating while I dry my hair. I don't like walking outside and feel like I hit a brick wall of heat. I don't like running errands in the heat because you can never get cool. Yes, I have pretty much described the next 4 months of my life.
Today, I think it is going to get up to 99 degrees, people, it's only MAY!!! Last night, my roommate and I were walking back from the gym and it was 96 degrees at 6:48 PM!! Hey I can give a little, I will take t-shirt and jeans weather! Spring is a good season too! I can rock a light jacket, or a sleeveless shirt with my jeans! I'll compromise!
Alas, I think I am going to be miserable until October.
Wish me luck
I heard this quote the other day and loved it:
Be the kind of person that when your feet hit the floor the devil says "oh crap she's awake"
That is the kind of person I want to be! Someone who makes the devil shudder when I get up, someone who so rejects him and what he stands for that he trembles in fear. Someone who is so rooted in the Lord that the devil doesn't stand a chance!!
That is my goal...
Mirrors - I sometimes struggle with mirrors...I'm not sure there is a girl out there who doesn't. You can't really hide in a mirror, especially those magnifying mirrors! Yikes!
Mirrors are just a simple reflection, but we can turn that into something way different! There are days I look in the mirror and do not like what I see. I see a girl who has gained weight, who has frizzy curly hair, whose make up didn't go on right and who is just all around struggling. there are days I do like what I see - those things just all come together and I look "not bad". I have never been someone who has thought she was beautiful or gorgeous - I also think I am not ugly - Average, the best word to describe me.
I look into a mirror everyday, and depending on my mood or my emotional state, I either like what I see or I don't. So, I decided to take back my mirror! :)
My mirrors have now become "truth mirrors" I have 2 that I look in everyday and on them I have written truths about me and about life. On one, I have written "Enjoy Everyday! You are in this season for a reason and it's a BLESSING" That one is pretty self-explanatory. In my bathroom I have a larger mirror that I have written Bible verses and quotes that encourage me and tell me who I am in Christ. They are TRUTH!!
Now, when I look in my mirror, I am reminded of who I am in Christ, the promises and truths the Bible gives me, encouragement about my walk from other people. I don't have to look into the mirror and see a girl who is struggling, but I can look past myself to focus on the words of Truth and be encouraged.
Here are some of my Truth sayings:
"Cast your burden on the Lord, He will sustain you" - Ps. 55:22
Don't focus on what you don't have - but on what you do.
"You are stronger than you give yourself credit for - in Christ you have divine power"
"Do not worry about your life" - Matt. 6:25
Because of Grace, I can come just as I am
"Help me to learn how to hang on tight to YOU when my life is rocked"
"He knows me"- Ps 139
You are a toothpick duct-taped to a lead pipe (I am the toothpick, Christ is the lead pipe)
"YOU know me better than I know myself"
Pray without ceasing.
What do you see when you look in the mirror??