Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It's so cliche, but hearing about school starting up get me thinking about my years of schooling. I was fortunate to go to private school my entire life and while it had its down sides (like every school) I am very grateful for the time I had there.

I was a very studious student (imagine that). I was the geek who got all excited about back to school shopping because everything was new, and I could figure out a way to organize everything. I loved the crisp notebooks with dividers. My books were always covered by my dad from brown grocery bags (the edges were turned in so no tape would get onto the book). I had my day planner that had all my homework written in it, and would get crossed off as it was completed. I think this is where my love of pens originated - standing in the aisle staring at them all wondering which one was going to be my favorite that year. Sigh - how I miss new school supplies.

I was the kid that would come home from school and immediately start my homework. I didn't like it hanging over my head all night because it was always in the back of my mind. I was also still in school mode so that helped. I was never good at studying, I would study for hours and still get confused on tests. I would make the color coded flash cards, and would quiz myself. I wasn't a great test-taker. I would much rather you give me a project than a test.

Moving on to college - what a great time! I enjoyed my 3 years there. I went to CIU and lived on campus, did the roommate gig, enjoyed all of it. There are days that I would love to go back and have breaks through out the day - working 8 hours a day will make you appreciate that! Life was "worry free" in college. I made some amazing friends there. Had the best RA ever, had great roommates. I loved hall life! Petty 2 woot woot!! I also got to do yearbook, and that was a many all-nighter, but that gave me a passion for some things I can do in my job now. If I could go back to college, and not have the work part, I would!!

So I'm a little jealous of the students this week who get to enjoy their first week at school - how I miss it sometimes.


  1. wow, we sound a lot alike :) One thing I enjoy about being a teacher is that I still get to start school with fun new supplies, although the fun supply choice is kind of limited here.

  2. Both of you are crazy! I am the exact opposite of you guys. I was usually scrambling to find a pen the first day of school, my books were covered eventually, and my homework was done around 10pm that night. Plus, I wouldn't go back for any amount of money! I'll take working 8 hours over going to school any day!

    Ashley ~ You are jealous of the students....I laugh as I drive by the High Schools saying "you have to go to school and I don't" :)
