So, I got a tattoo!! I know this comes as a shock to many people, but it is something that I have been thinking about for a long here's the story. (and a picture)

Ever since High School I have wanted a tattoo. I just didn't know what I wanted it of. I also wasn't sure if I was ok with the whole permanent thing. Which is why it has taken me 6 years since HS graduation to get one. I used to get Henna tattoos, which was great because it would last for a few weeks and then go away. I found that I missed it, which is when I knew I was ready to get one.
Now, I know you are thinking - what is that? Its a Greek word, sozo, which means healed, redeemed, and rescued. We were studying the book of James in Sunday School, and my leader (who loves to point out the Greek words) mentioned this one. As soon as I heard the meaning, it struck a chord with me and I just knew that's what I wanted tattooed on me. I wanted it as a reminder of what God has done in my life. He has healed, redeemed, and rescued me many times in my life, each time I am so very thankful.
Did it hurt? Not as bad as I was expecting. At the beginning it was fine, but as it went on the more it hurt. I went to a very safe place (recommended by a friend), and my tattoo artist was a paramedic for 12 years so he was quite sanitary and was used to dealing with needles. He was funny and made sure I knew what was going on. He didn't rush me which was nice. My friend Elisa went with me, and I think I broke her hand as I squeezed it the entire time. :)
I am very glad I got it done :)
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