Tuesday, March 29, 2011
PA Pictures
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Living in the north and south will give you two different perspectives, two different experiences. I won't go into the differences because they are so vast. It is like living in two different worlds. I understand the northern world better. It is what I knew first, it is what gave me the foundation for the way I think. Even though I have lived in the south longer, I was not raised in a southern house. My mom is from the north, and my parents lived there for 17 years. My sister and I were taught in the "northern culture" if you want to call it that. It is very different from the "southern culture". Unless you have lived in both worlds, you don't know what I am talking about.
The reason for this trip was to go my good friend Sara's baby shower. My mom, my sister and I drove up Friday afternoon, and we left today. It was a very quick trip, but it was so worth it! Not only did we get to do our grocery shopping (yes food is way different up there), and go to the shower, but we got to hang out with our awesome friends. There have been 4 families that have stayed close through the years. We all met at church (before I was even born) and even though we moved, we have all kept in contact and get together at least once a year. Last night, all 4 families came over and we had homemade ice cream and sat around talking, catching up, and LAUGHING A LOT!! We had the best time!
I so needed this time with everyone. I miss these guys so much!! They know me, they understand me, they get me. When we get together, it is as if we haven't left - we catch up right where we left off. There isn't any awkwardness, they know us so well and what we want to do. We stayed with Bob and Deb, and let me tell you these 2 people are amazing!! They both are such servants. They made everything they did this weekend look effortless. We never saw anything get done, it just was! Bob made us breakfast each morning and though we never discussed breakfast time, it was ready when we needed it. Friday night I slept on the futon but I didn't pull it down because I was so tired. Well I returned to the house Saturday afternoon and Bob had pulled it down and put the sheets on for me! We were there for such a short time, and they knew that, so they made everything so easy for us. We didn't really have to think, they just provided it. They truly are the best!!
This trip was so refreshing for me. It was great to be able to go back to my roots and soak up as much as I could. I can't wait to go back in July...
Thank-you Lord for giving me this incredible hometown, and these incredible friends.
P.S. I hope to put up some pictures soon....
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Let me give you some highlights....
Sometimes my dreams are funny:
...I remember 7 years ago when we were planning my sisters wedding, and I had a dream that she and I were shopping for bridesmaids gifts. We were in Target (but it really looked like the IKEA warehouse), and we were frantically looking for yellow pokadot sunhats to go with out pink poofy dresses.
...I had a dream my sister and Justin Timberlake were best friends - had been since elementary school. One day he decided that they couldn't be friends anymore because the tabloids were accusing him of cheating. She was quite upset because he told her over IM.
Most of the time though, my dreams are dangerous, scary, brutal, nerve-wracking:
...Just the other night I had a dream where I was in a gray building hiding from a man shooting at random. I decided to get up and run for it, he saw me and shot my foot from a distance. He ran up to me and shot my other foot. I look down and both feet are gone.
...I had a recurring dream when I was little about my sister and I in a furniture store running from a kidnapper. We always found the same coffee table to hide under and would watch his footsteps approach and walk around us.
...I had a dream that I had a stalker - this is a great story, way too long to write about, but basically I got a stalker from work and had to take drastic measures to make sure he couldn't find me.
...I blew up my friend in the SEFL parking lot as he was coming to pick me up because of bomb threats in the area. His car ran over a bomb and he was killed.
...my friend Elisa and I were driving to Target, and we were turning left onto 378 and someone ran a red light hitting the passenger side of the car (my side). I was taken to the hospital, and had a broken leg, and ribs. I couldn't find my wallet - had been thrown from the car - so I had a hard time proving I had insurance - card in the wallet...
...I flipped my car turning out of SEFL and went into a ditch and they had to use the jaws of life to get me out.
I could go on and on and on! They say your dreams are your subconscious telling you what you really want...oh goodness I hope not! I know that can't be the case here. I guess at night is where my imagination goes crazy - I can't draw, or write, so I guess I let my mind go crazy while I sleep.
I am so thankful that these are dreams, and only dreams.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
A few things....
01. I don't like the sound of someone swallowing
02. I got glasses in the 2nd grade, and contacts in the 4th
03. I eat my sandwiches in a circle because I don't like the ends to be uneven
04. I fold my trash when I am done with it - I don't like to wad it up in a ball (my sister loves to make fun of me for this)
05. My favorite TV shows are Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, West Wing, and JAG
06. I love to drink out of cups with stems
07. I collect Disney Precious Moments
08. I am the "Jewelry Queen" in my family
09. I am incredibly random - I say random things all the time...so much so my sister gave me a "random flag" for Christmas that I can wave when needed
10. I have 2 cats that have awesome names - Lexi is short for Lexington where she was found, and Meeko is named for the raccoon in Pocahontas (they have the same characteristics - it's very scary)
11. It is a family tradition to quote movies - anytime one is quoted it's a game be the first to name the movie it is from
12. I am not a coffee drinker - I will drink a mocha every once in awhile, but I don't everyday
13. I love to clean when I am angry
14. I can't stand to be hot - I know, I live in the wrong state for that one!
15. There are only 4 vegetables, and 4 fruits that I like (veg: corn, green beans, broccoli, asparagus, fruit: apples, bananas, grapes, pineapple)
16. I love looking at wounds and scars, I think it is very interesting!
17. I want a tattoo, but am not sure that I would want it when I am 80
18. I can not stand arrogance
19. Nicholas Sparks is my favorite author - he makes me mad every time, but I keep reading his books
20. I am a hugger - I think it is the best medicine
21. I have always wanted to be left handed
22. I notice people's handwriting
23. I drive with my doors locked
24. Don't mess with me when I am hungry
25. I would eat popcorn every time I go to the theater if it didn't cost me my arm...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
my season...
This is going to be a year of firsts, and a year of fun experiences. There is so much that I want to get accomplished this year. So many places I want to go and visit, people I want to see. I'm not talking about extreme things, but small things to take me out of my comfort zone, or that I have ruled out for no particular reason. (very big believer in don't diss it until you try it)
The first thing was visiting my friend Crystal in Florence. (Crystal, don't think I visited you just to cross you off my list :) ). I hadn't seen that girl in forever and so wanted to spend time with her. I grabbed my 2 friends and we took the day and surprised her! She was shocked! It was a great day! We spent about 4 hours at the park talking and catching up!
I went to a baseball game. Never been to one before, and it was great. Never thought I would go to one because I am not that big of a sports fan. But why not? It was a blast!! And you know what? I'm going again on Friday!!
I am going to Pennsylvania next weekend. My friend is having a baby, so my mom, sister and I are going up for her shower. Yes, we are driving 9 hours on Friday, shower on Saturday, and driving 9 hours on Sunday. I can't wait! I'm excited to spend 18 hours in the car with my mom and sister. I know that sounds weird, but I can't wait to have that quality time with them. I'm excited to see Sara and her pregger self. I can't wait to celebrate this great time with her, to spend time with some old friends, to GO HOME!!
I have a 10 day beach trip planned in July - 10 days!! can't remember the last time I did that. I have a cruise planned in October! I'm going with my family on a brand new ship that came out in January. I want to go to Atlanta, to Asheville. I want to take more day trips. I want to visit more places, see new things. I want to spend more time with family, friends.
I want to get deeper into the Word. I want to journal more. I want to spend more time with Christ - my rock, my guide, my support, my strength, my encourager.
I am so energized about this year! Please note that I am not in any way pressuring myself to do this, or will I get discouraged if I don't do everything. I just want to be open to taking on new things, to going new places. To not have so strict a schedule that I have to say no. (if you know me, you are probably laughing because I live by a schedule haha). I just want to enjoy this season I am in. I want to soak up everything I can while I am single.
My new phrase is : You are in this season for a reason, and it's a blessing!!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Baseball Game
Today I went to my FIRST Carolina Gamecock Baseball game! It was a lot of fun! I went with Ryan, Chica and Sara Jay. We got there early and were able to get good parking and good seats...alright our seats weren't technically seats, but no one kicked us out so we stayed :) I will say that it is not what I expected - in a good way! I was expecting a bigger stadium, and to pay a lot more for tickets and concessions. I was a little disappointed that they didn't have people walking up and down the aisles selling popcorn, cotton candy and the like - on the other hand I'm glad because I think that would have gotten annoying. When we got there, we took a walk around the stadium - I LOVE to explore places! I really like going behind the scenes and seeing what the average Joe doesn't get to - but I wasn't able to do that tonight. I would have loved to have seen the box seats and press box and taken the "real" tour, but I'm weird like that! :)
I am so glad I went! It was a night full of laughter, education, excitement, and best of all a new experience!
Here are some pics from our night:
Friday, March 11, 2011
Leave a legacy...
Today at work we had a non-work related meeting about service. My boss is retiring in a year or two and before he retires, he wanted to share with us some things that he has learned, and hear from some special people in his life. SEFL is such a great company, that they give him the permission to hold these meetings during work hours. They value their people, not just in their professional lives, but in their personal lives as well.
Today we had Rick, a SR. VP come in and speak about Service, and what we would want our legacy's to be like. He started off by first asking us if we wanted to leave a legacy, and if so, how would we go about creating it. There are 3 ways
Serve Others
Be Humble
Encourage Others
He gave us 2 examples of people who serve on a daily basis - Mr. Cassels and Tobin Cassels. They are the CEO and President of SEFL. As you guys know, there is a recession going on. Not a good thing for trucking companies! We were the ONLY LTL (less than truck load) carrier in the USA to not layoff....to not cut salaries....and to continue to match our 401K. I was blown away by this. Mr. Cassels and Tobin decided that they were going to cut costs another way in order to keep their employees working. That is amazing!!! They went against the grain, and I believe that they are going to be rewarded for it!
I have been thinking about what Rick said all day. It has made me think about our society, and how far we are from these 3 things! Right now everything is all for personal gain. We are a culture that puts "self" before anything else. We want to do what is right, fair and just for ourselves, then we will worry about everyone else. We don't serve unless it fits our schedule and doesn't take us out of our comfort zone. We aren't humble - we are conceited and arrogant. We don't encourage enough because nothing is ever good enough. We get into the daily grind of our day and we don't stop to think about the people around us. I am guilty of this too at times. I get so caught up in what I need to do, want to do and I forget that there is a whole other world out there! Life isn't about me! Christ was the ultimate example.
"He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant..." (Philippians 2:7)
I don't want to be an arrogant person. I want to think of myself last. I want to be sensitive to the Spirit to hear when He tells me to divert from my plan and serve or encourage. I want to be humble. I want to leave a legacy...
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Ash is my most common one. I love to be called this. It shows that you and I are closer than just acquaintances. It shows me that you are comfortable with me. Ashlynn is sometimes what my family calls me - usually when they are upset and Ashley Lynn becomes one word :) Asher is a name my friend in Lancaster calls me. Ashes is what my RA in college called me. Delo was my name when I worked at Bath and Body Works.
I also am a big fan of assigning nicknames. For instance, my good friend is Chica, and my other good friend and current roommate is Sara Jay. My dad is sometimes called football head - its from the TV show Arnold. I am a big fan of shortening names too - for instance if your name is Samantha I will call you Sam. Sometimes I call my sister Sar - no "ah" at the end.
I think the best thing about names though, is that the Creator of the World knows you and calls you by name. Isaiah 43:1b says: "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine" God, the Almighty, the Powerful, the Infinite, the Omnipresent, the Sustainer of the world, the Creator, the Omnipotent, knows me by my name, He calls me by my name, I am His!! That is so powerful and humbling. That verse really hits home to me because I have such a thing with names. Not only does He call me, but I can call him Abba, Father. I can have a personal relationship with Him. We are on a first name basis - in fact, we are on a nickname basis. He knows me better than I know myself. He knew me when I was still in the womb - Jeremiah 1:5. When you think about how big God is, and then think about how much He cares about me, and in addition cares about everyone else in the world, it just blows my mind away. I am so thankful that I can have a personal relationship with Him, that He calls me by my name - that he knows me intimately, and that I am His.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Some Highlights...
I am single, and let me tell you this has been very difficult for me. I always thought I would get married right after college. I have always wanted to get married and be a stay-at-home mom. My mom stayed at home with my sister and I, and I have always wanted to follow in her footsteps. It just hasn't happened for me yet. God hasn't brought "my other half" into my life. I am learning to accept this and to enjoy being single. It has been a difficult journey for me, but I know that the Lord knows what He is doing, and when the time is right, he will come into my life.
I am a Child of God. I am deepening my relationship with Him. I am in an amazing Bible study, and have found a great church. I am relying on Christ more and more everyday. He is definitely there for me, and He gives me the strength to go through each day. I am learning so many truths about Him. I know that He has a perfect will, plan and timing and I need to trust Him!
I have an amazing family! They are very special to me and do not know what I would do without them. They encourage me, support me, help me. I know that I could call any of them and they would be there in a heartbeat. We are a very close family, very comfortable with each other. My dad is one of a kind! He is amazing! I was privileged to have him as a teacher, as a father, as a friend, as a supporter. My mom and I are very close. We are very much alike. I talk to her everyday and she gives great advice and support. I am so thankful for our relationship. I can talk to her about anything! Sarah is my best friend - she is the opposite of me and that is a great thing. She brings a different perspective to situations and can make things simple while I complicate them. She has set a great example to follow, and set the bar high, but one I want to reach. Ben is the best brother anyone could ask for. He makes me laugh all the time, and always gives great advice. I have gone to him on several occasions and I know that he has my best interests at heart. I am so thankful that he fell in love with my sister! I can't imagine our family without him.
My friends are very important to me. I have a special relationship with each of them. The "Awesome Foursome" is made up of Sara Jay, Elisa, Crystal and myself. We have been through so much together. We have laughed, cried, encouraged each other. We have been thru good times, broken hearts, college, and job searching. I love these girls dearly - we are all incredibly different and that is what makes it great! I am also so thankful for my Bible study girls. I joined over a year ago, and these group of girls have been incredible! I don't know what I would do without them.
I love my job! It's ironic that I work for a trucking company considering my first hands on experience with one was the day after I turned 18 when a semi hit me on the interstate and totaled my car. Now, I am very thankful for trucks! I am a customer service rep for an amazing company. I love my boss and the people I work with. It makes going to work more enjoyable!