Can you make a new years resolution in February? I did! These past few weeks have been really good for me. I have been doing a lot of soul searching, a lot of thinking, and God has been working in my life. I am so excited about this year and about what is coming up! I don't want to miss out on my life. I don't want to spend each day pining for something that is yet to come. I don't want to spend so much time thinking and worrying about what is ahead. I want to live for each enjoy each day.
This is going to be a year of firsts, and a year of fun experiences. There is so much that I want to get accomplished this year. So many places I want to go and visit, people I want to see. I'm not talking about extreme things, but small things to take me out of my comfort zone, or that I have ruled out for no particular reason. (very big believer in don't diss it until you try it)
The first thing was visiting my friend Crystal in Florence. (Crystal, don't think I visited you just to cross you off my list :) ). I hadn't seen that girl in forever and so wanted to spend time with her. I grabbed my 2 friends and we took the day and surprised her! She was shocked! It was a great day! We spent about 4 hours at the park talking and catching up!
I went to a baseball game. Never been to one before, and it was great. Never thought I would go to one because I am not that big of a sports fan. But why not? It was a blast!! And you know what? I'm going again on Friday!!
I am going to Pennsylvania next weekend. My friend is having a baby, so my mom, sister and I are going up for her shower. Yes, we are driving 9 hours on Friday, shower on Saturday, and driving 9 hours on Sunday. I can't wait! I'm excited to spend 18 hours in the car with my mom and sister. I know that sounds weird, but I can't wait to have that quality time with them. I'm excited to see Sara and her pregger self. I can't wait to celebrate this great time with her, to spend time with some old friends, to GO HOME!!
I have a 10 day beach trip planned in July - 10 days!! can't remember the last time I did that. I have a cruise planned in October! I'm going with my family on a brand new ship that came out in January. I want to go to Atlanta, to Asheville. I want to take more day trips. I want to visit more places, see new things. I want to spend more time with family, friends.
I want to get deeper into the Word. I want to journal more. I want to spend more time with Christ - my rock, my guide, my support, my strength, my encourager.
I am so energized about this year! Please note that I am not in any way pressuring myself to do this, or will I get discouraged if I don't do everything. I just want to be open to taking on new things, to going new places. To not have so strict a schedule that I have to say no. (if you know me, you are probably laughing because I live by a schedule haha). I just want to enjoy this season I am in. I want to soak up everything I can while I am single.
My new phrase is : You are in this season for a reason, and it's a blessing!!
I am SO glad that YOU (as well as Sara & Elisa) came to visit me -- you guys couldn't have come at a better time. I have missed you all sooo much & I love you guys. Btw, love the new phrase -- totally agree with you, friend. The Lord is WITH us in every season of life & it's all a part of His perfect, sovereign, plan. He has wonderful plans for His Children... We must only trust that His plans are the best bc He knows best! P.S. I am loving the blog posts they are so good & good for my heart =)