This weekend I had this opportunity to go to my hometown of Lancaster, PA. There is no place like home. Even though I have lived in SC longer than I did in PA, I still consider myself a northerner. It is where I am from, it is where my life-long friends live, it is where my roots are. PA is where I feel I belong, it is where I get refreshed and renewed. The older I get, the more appreciation I have for where I am from. The more I am thankful for the foundation I have there...for the friends I have there.
Living in the north and south will give you two different perspectives, two different experiences. I won't go into the differences because they are so vast. It is like living in two different worlds. I understand the northern world better. It is what I knew first, it is what gave me the foundation for the way I think. Even though I have lived in the south longer, I was not raised in a southern house. My mom is from the north, and my parents lived there for 17 years. My sister and I were taught in the "northern culture" if you want to call it that. It is very different from the "southern culture". Unless you have lived in both worlds, you don't know what I am talking about.
The reason for this trip was to go my good friend Sara's baby shower. My mom, my sister and I drove up Friday afternoon, and we left today. It was a very quick trip, but it was so worth it! Not only did we get to do our grocery shopping (yes food is way different up there), and go to the shower, but we got to hang out with our awesome friends. There have been 4 families that have stayed close through the years. We all met at church (before I was even born) and even though we moved, we have all kept in contact and get together at least once a year. Last night, all 4 families came over and we had homemade ice cream and sat around talking, catching up, and LAUGHING A LOT!! We had the best time!
I so needed this time with everyone. I miss these guys so much!! They know me, they understand me, they get me. When we get together, it is as if we haven't left - we catch up right where we left off. There isn't any awkwardness, they know us so well and what we want to do. We stayed with Bob and Deb, and let me tell you these 2 people are amazing!! They both are such servants. They made everything they did this weekend look effortless. We never saw anything get done, it just was! Bob made us breakfast each morning and though we never discussed breakfast time, it was ready when we needed it. Friday night I slept on the futon but I didn't pull it down because I was so tired. Well I returned to the house Saturday afternoon and Bob had pulled it down and put the sheets on for me! We were there for such a short time, and they knew that, so they made everything so easy for us. We didn't really have to think, they just provided it. They truly are the best!!
This trip was so refreshing for me. It was great to be able to go back to my roots and soak up as much as I could. I can't wait to go back in July...
Thank-you Lord for giving me this incredible hometown, and these incredible friends.
P.S. I hope to put up some pictures soon....
There is not place like home. And you don't need ruby slippers or a dog named Toto to get there.
And you will always be welcomed because we love you so much here in PA!!!